Monday, March 29, 2021

Up and Down to Bliss

The sun came out and shone so bright

I had to squint into the light.

I thought the world was grand.

Things went just like I planned!

And then a cloud blocked out the sun.

I tripped and fell as I tried to run.

I thought the world was mean.

It was stepping on my dream!

A rainbow came with colors bright,

And brought me joy through its colored light.

I thought the world a gift!

My spirits they did lift!

And then the wind, it knocked me down.

I fell right on the hard wet ground!

I’d had enough of this!

What happened to my bliss?

But sure enough, the clouds did part

And sun warmed up my broken heart

Life is a gift you see.

Up and down for you and me!

The sun was warmer than before

It chased the cold right out the door

I had time to prepare!

Next up might be a bear!

I would be ready!  I’d have bear spray.

I’d make that bear run right away!

But what came? Poisoned darts!

Be still my beating heart!

I ran and hid.  What’s up with this?

Can I please go back to the bliss?

And then at last I knew

Exactly what to do!

I donned my armor pure and bright.

I marched into the cold dark night.

My sword was lifted high.

For danger, it was nigh.

And suddenly what came to view?

My friends who wore their armor too.

We chased the bad away.

And rejoiced in a new day.

So up and down the days flew by

And every day I’d really try

To battle valiantly

For bliss, for you and me.

by Sherie

Picture by Ricardo Cruz on Unsplash

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