Monday, August 21, 2023

Setting Aside the Schedule

One of our new flowers bloomed today!

 Last night I planned to write my blog, and had come up with something to write about.  I have been trying to fit a certain list of things that are important to me into my schedule as many times as I can and writing is one of them.  But, there are people in my life who are always going to be more important than time to write.  I like keeping a schedule, but I am aware that there are times when it is best to set the schedule aside and take a little time to listen.  It was a happy choice for me.

Photo by Antonia Kofod on Unsplash
What I had planned on writing about were some quotes from a book I have on the traditions, history, and beliefs or Buddhism.  I was impressed with what Jake remembered from having studied different religions in high school!  Apparently Buddah, at the beginning, was very rich but not very happy.  He decided to try giving up all of his riches.  Again he was not happy.  So, he came up with the "Middle Way" which is a more balanced approach to life. 

He came up with "Four Noble Truths".  The first is "The Truth of Suffering".  Most suffering is self-inflicted (whether we realize it or not) and that is good news because what we cause, we can also change.  Our sufferings are caused by "The three poisons", which are greed, hatred, and delusion (ignorance).  He suggests that in order to reduce these poisons in our life we practice generosity, friendliness, compassion, and "waking up to a more accurate experience of reality". 

There are more interesting thoughts, and useful suggestions for how to live life in a happier, more balanced way.  I will continue another day! 

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