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Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash |
Monday, May 20, 2024
I love....
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
When One Loves....
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I couldn't think of a picture that fit my post and so here is a blast from the past. Goblin Valley, 2019. Me and my boys. |
Today at D.I. I saw the book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Yes, I passed it up. I couldn't think of a justifiable reason to buy another copy! So, when I opened this to write a blog and went a little blank, I decided to open the book to a random page and see what I found. I ended up reading the section of the July chapter that is about spending out. This meant to her that instead of saving things or ideas for later, she would use them and enjoy them now, trusting that there would be more things or ideas later.
Gretchen doesn't stop there. She feels the most important things about "spending out" is to do things without keeping score. She is not talking about when you play sports or a game. She is talking about not doing things for people with the idea that you will get something back. She quotes Saint Therese of Lisieux who wrote "When one loves, one does not calculate." It is so easy for me to fall into the trap of doing things with the hope that someone will respond! It is better if I can do things for the love of doing them, or for the love of the people I choose to do them for. That is the way to go!
Monday, May 13, 2024
There are a lot of hard things in life, but there are a lot of good ones too. I think it is important for us to pay extra attention to the good things and to celebrate the good in our lives any chance we can. This past week we celebrated birthdays, an anniversary, and Mother's Day. Maybe we should have at least little mini celebrations every week!
We could celebrate beauty, laughter, warmth, sunshine, rain, friends, family or family members. We could celebrate flowers and trees and ice cream. We could celebrate the good we see in people or the good things we saw someone do. We can celebrate love, because any time someone gives us love, or gives love to others, it is worth taking at least a moment to acknowledge, smile, and give thanks -- or maybe even do a happy dance!
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Heaven With You
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It turns out that I don't have a picture of heaven! This is pretty though. Photo by Ash Ashley on Unsplash |
In Jesus' time the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees spent a lot of time thinking about how to be more obedient. They were intent on following every rule in the Law of Moses, and even making some more. They were going to obey their way to heaven, while looking down at those who weren't quite as good at checking all of the boxes. Sadly, they missed the part where the law was meant to point them to the Savior who would come and to remind them to focus on loving the way that He does. When Christ came, they didn't recognize Him, or if they did, they were too pleased with their power and stature to let it go to follow this humble carpenter who could do amazing miracles.
It is easy to look down on them for their choices, but I have noticed myself being a bit like them before. I go to church every Sunday, checked all of the covenant boxes, and do my best to keep the commandments and -- well look at those poor souls who are messing up! They really should know better shouldn't they? The truth is, if I am just checking boxes and forgetting to love God with my whole heart and my neighbor as myself (which doesn't include judging or telling them what to do), I am messing up big time.
I do not think that Heaven is a place where people sit and gloat over how much better they have been than everyone else! Podcaster Richard Ostler said, "Heaven isn't about separating us from others and the feeling of satisfaction as we see those who didn't make it. Heaven is about reaching out and bringing others with us." (quoted in The Law of Love by Steve Young).
The plan really is for us to learn to love so well that others want to come with us because being in our Savior's presence with the people we love is the happiest place to be.
Monday, May 6, 2024
The Law of Love
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For me the easiest part of the law of love might be loving babies! Especially "my" babies! Emily looks like Spring! |
This past Thursday I was able to go to Women's Conference at BYU with my friend Shannon. The first talk we heard was by Steve Young and Laurel Day. The title of their "talk", which was more of a discussion was "Human Dignity: To See Another's Soul." By the end of the talk I was a huge fan of both presenters because they were so passionate about trying to see every person the way that God sees them and treat them accordingly. They called it "transfigured eyesight". It means leaving self, and self interest behind and really seeing someone.
The question to ponder is "How can I find this for everyone". In the Book of Mormon In Moroni 7:48 it asks us to "...pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that yet may be filled with this love...". This love is charity, or the pure love of Christ, which is the love God has for ALL of His children. It is a love where we keep in mind that we are all in the family of God, and not just family, but beloved family who we really want to see healed and happy.
There were two thoughts I will mention. One made me chuckle, but is something that is done too often -- by me and by others. That is starting a relationship with, "I know what you need". I think even in relationships we've had for a long time it is not our job to tell anyone what they need, but instead to listen, and try to understand, and to look for all of the potential this person has (because it is there).
The other was a thought about a lost sheep. They had a quote from a shepherd who said that "sheep don't get lost, they run when they don't feel safe." Now before you discount this because Jesus is a shepherd and He seeks the lost sheep, I believe the shepherds referred to here are us mortal shepherds. The thought to contemplate is this, "If you are going to seek the lost sheep, first admit that you might be the reason they aren't there." Do our "sheep" feel loved or judged?
I loved this talk and want to do better at remembering to pray for charity so that I can see others as God does.
Friday, May 3, 2024
No Unkind Feelings
I was just reading my notes from General Conference. Elder Soares talked a bit about "being bound to Jesus". It's kind of a fun thought to imagine us tied to Jesus so that He is beside us wherever we go. It reminds me of the Primary song If The Savior Stood Beside Me. In the song we are asked how we would act, think, and speak differently if Jesus were right beside us. It for sure would help us remember to be on our best behavior! At least I think it would.
Making covenants is like binding ourselves to Jesus, and as long as we remember those covenants and all that Jesus has done for us, we are changed completely. That change helps us to not have any unkind feelings towards anyone. I think it might be good to mention that, as imperfect people, when we do have unkind feelings towards someone, refocusing on Christ and all He has done can help us forgive and move past that.
I was also reading about King Benjamin's people in the Book of Mormon and how they had "a mighty change of heart" and had "no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually." If I focus on Jesus, then I too, with His help, can do good continually. That is what I hope to be like!
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Be Curious
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This really has nothing to do with my post, but the turkeys came back! I guess I could be curious about why the turkeys make me smile but just look at this turkey. He's pretty awesome! |
There are times when I start to feel sad, or upset, or frustrated, or even angry and I am not sure why. Instead of focusing on the feeling and starting to cry, or hide, or lash out, it is better if I can remember to be curious. What am I feeling? What do I need? What was I expecting? Is there something I need help with? Do I just need to talk something out?
There are times when I have actually been successful at this, and other times when I forget and just react and then cry about not acting how I wanted to. In my class my friend said that she likes to remember when she is starting to have overwhelming feelings, "Everything is an opportunity to practice". I was also reminded when I was watching Hometown yesterday that problems can just be considered "solution opportunities".
It can sure be hard to break our usual patterns of reactions, but it is not impossible. It just takes a bit of work, and practice, and compassion for ourselves when we don't manage to do as well as we hoped. I am hoping that I can look at any issues that may come up today as chances to practice -- or solution opportunities!