Monday, May 20, 2024

I love....

Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash
I love breathing the crisp morning air.
I love the smell of roses.
I love walking through gardens.
I love singing along with show tunes.
I love the smell of cinnamon, and pine.
I love the taste and smell of warm homemade bread with butter and honey.
I love a well told story with a happy ending.
I love ah ha moments.
I love walking off of the path -- through the woods.
I love walking in a warm rain.
I love looking up at the night sky on a clear night when there are no lights around.
I love dancing.
I love looking at old family photos.
I love looking at beautiful art.
I love reading in the lamplight.
I love sitting by a fire.
I love watching birds.
I love hugs.
I love the sound of cellos.
I love a lot of different instruments well played.
I love uplifting conversations.
I love the laughter of children.
I love soft carpet or rugs.
I love warm, soft blankets.
I love libraries with rows and rows of books.
I love sunshine, rain, and snow in their seasons.
I love cold lemonade.
I love a well finished project.
I love forests, and corn fields, and oceans.
I love waterfalls, and streams, and rivers.
I love words -- especially kind ones.
I love the American flag and what it represents.
I love old buildings, old furniture, old lots of things.
I love the beautiful world I live on and the wonders in the sky.
I love "my" people and am doing my best to love all people.

I really can't name everything I love, but I thought it would be fun to make another list just for the fun of thinking of the many good things there are to do and see and eat and smell and love.

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