Friday, January 31, 2025

Where Do I Get My Value?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I remember one of my brothers and his wife talking to me about the value of each individual and where it comes from.  They were explaining that our value is unchanging and comes from God.  I believe this, and yet there are times when I have forgotten, and believed something else.  In our complicated world it is easy to think that we are only valuable if...

If we look just right.  If we do "enough".  If we make lots of money.  If we are always available.  If we can walk or run quickly.  If we are married.  If we have children.  If people say nice things about us.  If we keep all of the rules.  If we are "cool".  If we are educated.  If we are talented.  If we own a house.  You get the idea.  Everyone probably has their own things that they have felt, or do feel, give them their value.

Which person has the most value?  Not monetary value, but true worth.  Who is more valuable?  You?  Your sibling?  Your parent?  Your friend?  A politician?  A criminal?  A homeless person?  Your neighbor?  A beggar?  A business owner?  A Janitor?  Who?

If we all have value does that mean that everyone is special?  And if everybody is special does that mean that nobody really is?  I believe we are all equally valuable, and we are also all unique.  This is truly incredible!  Not only are we unique, but we get to make choices.  We can choose to treat ALL others as valuable, or not.  We can choose to bravely realize that we have value and treat ourselves accordingly, or not.  Can you imagine the change for good that would happen if everyone knew their worth?

God created me, and therefore I am valuable.  You are valuable.  You matter.  You are loved.  You are important.  Where do I get my value?  I get it from God.  He made me.  He made you.  He is glad that He did.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Magical Things A to Z

I bought this for myself.  It had a list of
26 magical things and suggested we
make our own list.  This is mine!
A:  Angels, Antiques, Apple Pie a' la Mode
B:  Babies, Birds
C:  Children, Candles, Cake
D:  Dancing, Dreams (NOT nightmares)
E:  Energy to move, Eagles
F:  Fog that can make a whole mountain seem to disappear!  Feathers.
G:  Galaxies, Gardens
H:  Harmony, Humor
I:  Ice Cream, Invisible Ink
J:  Jars, Jokes, Jingle Bells
K:  Kites
L:  Leaves
M:  Music, Massages, Mail (from family or friends), Moon
N:  Names, Nests
O:  Oceans
P:  Paths, Pictures
Q:  Quilts
R:  Rain, Rugs (fluffy ones)
S:  Snowflakes, Smiles
T:  Treats, Trees
U:  Umbrellas -- colorful ones on a gray day
V:  Views, Violins well played
W:  Wings, Weather
X:  Xylophones of course!
Y:  YAYS! (Anything good that happens)
Z:  Ziplines, Zippers, and a Zest for life!

Monday, January 6, 2025

What is Ahead?

One of my interesting attempts at photography.

My friend Shellie asked about my goals for the year and I went a little blank at first.  This is not because I don't have things I want to do, but because I haven't fully formed the ideas in my head.  I am working towards being a guide for the nonprofit "My Story Matters".  The principles taught in class are helpful to me, and I like sharing them with others.  This is stretching me out of my comfort zone (I have to make videos of myself teaching the 12 "harbors" and send them in to the founder before the next step in my training!).  Yikes!  Stretching is good.  I remind myself often.

Picture by Jake (Thanks Jake!)

I have been working on finding ways to get myself moving more often.  I got roller skates for Christmas which will be a great thing if I can keep myself from falling too often!  I've decided I just need to call hiking "exploring" because exploring sounds fun to me, and hiking sounds like work.  I especially like wandering in the woods off trail, and I am hoping to find actual trails that feel a little on the "wild" side instead of the super beaten trail side.  I also want to kayak.  I don't have one -- yet -- but I am saving.  I went with friends the summer before last a couple of times and had so much fun!

I have watched Kirby Heyborne's show "making good" a few times, and am reading a book called "Human Kind:  Changing the World One Small Act at a Time".  All of the times I have listened to, watched, or read things like that I want more and more to do all of the good I can every day.  I do know myself though, and so I need to remember that I can't make ALL of the difference to everyone, or "fix" everything.  I am not Jesus, but I have come to feel His love so much that I really want others to feel it too!  I want to be aware, open to helping, and maybe even take time to be a little creative in finding ways to bring a smile to the faces of people I meet.

I took a picture of this in TX
because it made me smile.

Finally, I made an Instagram account that I called "Yay Today by Sherie K" only all run together.  Instead of the gratitude journal I kept on my nightstand last year and wrote in regularly (though not every day!), I want to post at least one good thing, or "YAY!" for every day.  It's kind of a fun way to work on photography too.  I hope you all can find lots of "Yay!" moments in the year ahead!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

A Transformative Year

I took this picture on a trip to Michigan in August 2024

(This is basically a copy of a Christmas letter for Derek's parents and mine)

This has been a transformative year for me and I feel a freedom that is joyful.  I am grateful that life is so full of opportunities to keep learning!  Here are some of the things that have helped me.

  1. I have taken the time most mornings to sit quietly and look out my window and consciously look at God’s creations as a gift for me, and to give thanks, and try to focus on God’s love.  The more I have done this the more I have come to feel my importance to Him.

  2. From a few sources I learned more about the power of story.  The stories we somehow picked up about ourselves along the road of life can be crippling.  It is important to look at our stories and see if we picked up something that is not true.  Beliefs that are not true are heavy.  They weigh us down and obscure our vision, which makes the truth hard to see.  We have the power to change those old stories to truth. We can act in a way that gets rid of the ways we allowed ourselves, no matter how unwittingly, to be acted upon.

  3. In Proverbs it says:  “Where there is no vision the people perish”.  In my class (My Story Matters) we talked a lot about vision.  How are we to become who we want to be if we don’t have a clear vision of what that looks like?  Because of my class, I worked a lot on coming up with a few “power words”  that I use as a “vision statement” so that in any given situation I have something short and quick that I can think of to remind me of how I want to show up.  Naturally my vision statements evolve like I do!

  4. I have learned that feelings are not bad.  They are not always fun, but in and of themselves they are really just messengers.  They are a chance to feel curious.  Why is this feeling coming up?  What am I believing?  Is it true?  Any feeling I have is a chance for me to practice acting according to my vision and not allowing myself to use that feeling as an excuse to show up in a way that I will regret later.  Of course, the key word is practice.  The next transformative thing I have learned is…

  5. Compassion!  Sometimes I am not going to show up in alignment with my vision.  I am going to mess up.  (Yay repentance!)  As I learned years ago, I am not being condemned by my Savior, and it is not okay to condemn myself.  Instead I can talk to myself with kindness, and practice grace.  It turns out that acting with compassion towards myself is a faster way to change than telling myself how stupid I am!  There is power in I AM!

  6. “I am perfectly human”.  “I am completely loved and fully known”.  “God’s love for me is fierce and unending”.  These are words from songs that I have contemplated in the mornings and they give me a greater confidence in God’s love and in myself.  One of the songs I like talks about how I belong to Heavenly Father and He smiled when He made me.  I like to think of Him smiling at me – not with judgment, or disappointment, but with love and confidence.  That is an encouraging thought!

I will end with my current vision statement.

I am cradled in the arms of my Savior and I radiate His light.

I am a beacon of hope.

I am an enthusiastic teacher of truth.

I am the creator of my story.