Saturday, June 8, 2019

Odds and Ends

I'm feeling tired and don't want to try to expound on the fabulous thoughts that have gone through my head today, so here are all of the random pictures that I have taken and an explanation of why I took them.

This is Teddy.  He loves to attack the vacuum.  It is very funny to me, but not very helpful when it comes to actually getting the vacuuming done.  Dan was vacuuming the office and Teddy was trying to see if there was a way to attack the vacuum from outside the door.

This is at Walmart.  Or at least it was.  I wanted to show my girls because it made me smile.  I never sent the picture to them so hopefully they will see it here.  I'm not sure where you hang such a picture!  I guess you could hang it by your table and it will look like the animals are watching you eat.

This is a bad picture of my forearm.  I was trying to show Derek that I was allergic to something.  This was Thursday.  I'm not sure if it came from helping Connor trim bushes on Wednesday evening, or from an allergy to the grass I was mowing and bagging Thursday morning.  It's almost gone now.  I guess once it's gone I could rub one arm on the bushes and one on grass and see which one reacts, but I probably won't do that.

Once the bushes were trimmed Jake found this hiding in them.  A scythe that some poor trick or treater must have dropped in the bushes some Halloween.  Hopefully they didn't cry too much over the loss of such a formidable weapon!
I hope your day is full of happy moments and good humor!

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