Saturday, June 1, 2019

A Prayerful Pause

Some days are hard for no reason at all.  Or at least no reason that I think is good enough.  And on some of these days I remember to pause, and to pray.  This doesn't always work.  Not because God isn't listening, but because I'm too busy letting myself be overwhelmed by my feelings.  I am feeling sorry for myself, or feeling unsure of what is best to do, and really just feeling so many things at once that I fail to stop, and really think of who I am talking to, how much He loves me, and how powerful He is.

Today, I remembered to stop, kneel down, and imagine myself going to talk to Heavenly Father.  Today I imagined myself crawling into heaven crying and begging Heavenly Father to just let my Savior hold me for a minute and tell me everything will be alright.  And I imagined Jesus doing just that.  And then, almost immediately, I knew that I was okay.  I remembered that it isn't my job to save the world.  That job has been taken care of.  I remembered that my Father in Heaven loves me and that He is never tired, or unsure.  I do not have to have the solutions because I know God, and when I come crawling, or running, or even just searching for Him, He is there waiting to help.

So, when my over the top feelings want to drown me, I am thankful that I can take a prayerful pause, and though I might begin by going to visit in my imagination, I get very real help from the Father who really did send Jesus to save me.

*Photo by Christian Widell on Unsplash

1 comment:

Happy Mom said...

Love this!! And the thankful one for yesterday!!