Thursday, July 11, 2019

Dinner and a Walk

This is me at the restaurant holding a cow cup and doing a poor job of pretending I'm
going to drink out of it.  We took this picture for Tia but I never sent it.
Hopefully she'll see it here.  Why Tia?  She likes cow pictures and I guess that
translates into us sending her pictures of anything having to do with a cow!

Uncle Chris (Tia's Uncle) demonstrating how this cup should really be used.

Brian and Stephanie on our walk at the BYU-I gardens after dinner.

Chris and Tina during that same walk.

And Derek and me too!  The girl at the pizza place really liked Derek's shirt
which was his Cereal tee-shirt from our cereal themed Christmas tee shirts.
For our last evening in Rexburg we went to dinner with adult family members who live in Rexburg since the rest had gone home.  The restaurant was a little loud and we were having trouble finding the "right" dinner conversation, but we enjoyed our dinner and the peaceful walk after dinner!

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