Sunday, July 28, 2019

Whose Voice Can We Depend On?

I just finished reading a book called Live Fearless:  A Call To Power, Passion And Purpose by Sadie Robertson.  Towards the end, she was talking about her time on Dancing With The Stars and how she felt when people praised her, and what a wake up call it was when they were NOT praising her.  She realized that it is important to not get your value from the wrong voice.  I think there are good things to learn from Sadie's quote.  She realized that,
"applause and public affirmation could never sustain me.  I could not let what other people thought or said about me affect what I thought and said about myself...
'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever' (Hebrews 13:8).  If you want someone in your life you can depend on, He's the One."
It really is nice when people notice the good things we do, and give us praise, but I thought that this story was a good reminder that the most reliable voice, and the one we can trust every minute of every day is God's voice.  He will correct us, but He does it in love.  We are ALWAYS valuable to Him. 

***By Harry Anderson
Used by permission from

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