Friday, July 5, 2019

The Symbol of Our Worship

By Harry Anderson
used by permission from:
I have seen a lot of Christians wearing a cross, and I know that in most Christian churches there are prominent displays of the cross.  It has been considered the symbol of Christianity.  But, even though I am a Christian, I was taught when I was young that we do not wear the cross.  Why?  Not because it is wrong.  I admire those who wear the cross to declare their Christianity, or to remind themselves of grace, and of how a Christian should behave.  I have thought before, what can I wear that would show that I am a Christian and give me a reminder of grace and gratitude, and that I should be acting as a follower of Christ?

And then I happened to see a quote by President Hinckley.  He had been asked why we don't have crosses in our buildings, and he said it is because we worship the living Christ.  He was then asked what the symbol of our faith is and he said,
"...the lives of our people must become the most meaningful expression of our faith and, in fact, therefore, the symbol of our worship."
He didn't say that as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we had already arrived at having our lives be an expression of our faith, but that our lives must become the most meaningful expression of our faith and a symbol of our worship.

So what do I have to remind me to be a Christian?  Well, I do have a couple of tee shirts, but most importantly I have the chance to write His law upon my heart by studying and consciously choosing to follow His law and to seek His will.  As I do this, I hope that my life will become the symbol of my worship of Jesus Christ.

*Quote from The Symbol of Our Faith by President Gordon B. Hinckley

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