Trisa's 28th birthday was the first day of Jake and Dan's Fall break from school. I wanted to go shopping with Trisa for her birthday, and Fall break allowed the boys and I to make a trip of it. Unfortunately, Derek had to work. Yay for having a job! Boo for having meetings Thursday afternoon! I do not really like to go vacationing without Derek, but I suppose it's good to be reminded that I can!
So, because Trisa worked on her birthday, we passed up Cedar City and went to my brother Ray's house in LaVerkin. Jake and Dan and I played pickleball in the culdesac while Ray and Lori had a late lunch, and then we all went for a walk. It was a beautiful day! We walked up to the church I used to attend with my family when we were visiting my grandparents, and then we walked up to their old house.
In the background you can see a white house. That used to be my Grandma's house.
Dan and Jake humored me and let me take their picture. |
This is a part of "Grandma's Mountain" that my cousins and I spent hours climbing as children.
There's been some bulldozing done since the "old days", and it doesn't look as tall now as it seemed back then! |
This is a picture of what my Grandma and Grandpa's house looked like when I would go visit.
My Grandma spent a lot of time making her yard beautiful!
She was not afraid of getting up early to work. |
This is a different view. I loved Grandma's house (It really was Grandpa's too but we always called it Grandma's!)
I had such fun times here with my siblings and with cousins!
Grandma made delicious treats too! |
After visiting Ray, we headed to Jenny and Jeff's house. I really enjoyed talking to Jenny and Owen and Maddie. Dan really enjoyed taking apart electronics with Uncle Jeff, and showing him 2D Minecraft. It's hard to tell if Jake had fun, but he listened to some conversation, and helped with the electronics too. Jake said later that he spent most of the trip being sleepy. I didn't take any pictures at Jenny's.
We all went to my parent's house for dinner later. Jenny and Jeff only stayed a little while after dinner. The boys and I stayed at my parent's house Thursday and Friday night. I don't have any pictures of my Dad, but he took the boys with him to do recycling, and they stayed with him while my Mom and I went to exercise with some of her friends Friday morning.
Mom and their dog Lizzie |
My Mom loves her little dog! |
Jake is still the "dog whisperer". Animals like him. They are smart. |
Friday we visited some of the Christensen side of the family. I visited Tonya while Jake and Dan spent time with their cousin Porter. We would have enjoyed visiting longer, but schedules are busy! Next we headed over to Brandon and Laura's new house. Laura was doing a fabulous job giving directions since GPS hasn't caught up with their neighborhood yet, but just at the last moment we were getting confused, until Brandon pulled up beside me and pointed at their house, just around the corner. I forgot to take pictures, but it is a really nice new house, and we enjoyed that visit too.
After that visit we headed to my Aunt Vanda and Uncle Carl's house, until we found out they would be gone, and then we headed back to Ray's. I really feel like I drove a lot that day, probably because I did, but it was good to see everyone.
Our trip ended on Saturday. We stopped in Cedar City this time and the boys watched a movie while Trisa and I went shopping. I had such a good time with my Trisa! She is great! We went and got the boys and went to Wendy's for lunch after shopping, and then the boys and I headed home -- where we were glad to be.
No, Connor is not home from his mission yet. I had to steal a picture of Trisa from Facebook and I liked this one!
Happy Birthday to the best oldest daughter ever. She is a kind, smart, fun and all around wonderful person!