Wednesday, November 16, 2022

An Epiphany

This has nothing to do with my post, but it is the lowest full rainbow I've ever seen!

I got out of bed three times today!  Once at 5:00 a.m. to take Dan down to driver's ed.  It was a tad chilly in the house and I was thinking about how cold my bed would be when I got back to it. And then?  AHA!  I happen to have an electric blanket on my chair nearby.  It is small and is meant to be a lap blanket, but it reaches my bed and so I pulled the covers down, turned the electric blanket on hi, carefully placed it on my bed and covered it, and then I went to deliver Dan to the school.

I got home around 5:45 and shuffled things back to their spots and then I climbed into a warm bed!  So awesome after being in the cold!  The alarm went off again at 6:45 a.m. and I went and picked Dan up and brought him home.  He went right to bed.  I ate breakfast, walked the dog, and decided I was not going to be a happy person if I didn't get more sleep and so I wisely went back to bed.   I don't know exactly when I went to bed again, or when I got up, but I felt SO much better and was able to handle the day.

I am thankful that today had enough time in it to make going back to bed twice possible!  That definitely made the rest of the day better!

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