Sunday, November 6, 2022


I absolutely love Trisa's smile.  Both her smile and her laugh are contageous.
This was from her birthday party that we held the day before we held Brigham's.
He practiced for his by helping Aunt Trisa open her gifts:-)

Today I really enjoyed smiles.  I enjoyed Kayli smiling at the neighbor's baby she was holding and the baby smiling back.  I enjoyed smiling at the same baby and having him smile at me.  Tia and Brigham came over and I enjoyed their smiles.  We went to Derek's parent's house for dinner with the extended family.  There were a lot of smiles there, but I got a kick out of our nephew Brigham's smile as he said or did things he found particularly funny.  There really is just something great about a smile that helps lift one's spirits and brighten a day, and I am thankful for every smile I saw today!

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