Sunday, April 2, 2023

A Campaign for Kindness


I enjoyed being with Brigham today!

I just finished a book called "Reach Out Gather In" by Karen Ehman, and between the thoughts the author had and several talks I heard in General Conference this weekend, I decided to make my own campaign for kindness.  In all of my struggles in the past while, I'm afraid I have focused too much on myself, and not remembered to follow my Mom's advice and example of, when struggling, looking for someone else to serve.  Of course, it is really, really hard to do that sometimes and I am grateful to be feeling happier, and more energetic, and so perhaps it won't be such a difficult campaign!

In her book, Karen Ehman made a list of several ideas of how to serve strangers, family, friends, acquaintances, and pretty much anyone and everyone.  I am planning on dragging Dan into my "campaign".  It is Spring Break and, since we have no exciting travel plans, why not try out a plan for doing as many kind and thoughtful things as possible!  

I am so grateful for people who are friendly and kind even when I am feeling emotional and am overthinking everything!  It is helpful to me to know that I have such good family and friends and even acquaintances who love and care for me no matter what.  I have had people reach out to me, and gather me in as a friend when I needed one.

May God bless us all to be constantly in a campaign for kindness, and may He strengthen us and give us the grace we need when it is difficult!

Teddy on the left, Elder Bednar on the television, Tia on the right, and Brigham in the middle.
Who do you think it was easiest for us to pay attention too?

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