Thursday, April 20, 2023

Rich in Projects

 Sometime in the last few years I have discovered a love of projects.  Sometimes they are organizing projects, sewing projects, refinishing projects, or just finding a way to make something better.  Often they are D.I. projects.  "Treasures" I've found that I want to fix up.  Here are a few past and current projects.

I repainted the roof of my little house given to me by Connor and Amanda.
It will reside in one of my fairy gardens this summer.
Anyone surprised the roof is blue?  :-)

This is the front of my refinished bamboo tropical cabinet.
The cabinet came with feet but it was unstable and I like it fine without them.

This is the refinished inside of the cabinet.  Whoever had it before replaced the shelves with pieces of laminate type flooring.  It looked like flooring.  I discovered that if I flipped those pieces upside down and scraped the stickers off, it looks like they were made for the cabinet!

Jake brought this cabinet home from work.  All I did was paint the handles and put them on.
Honestly, they need to be redone.  They are a bit loose!

When we had our house built I asked for one of those divided cabinets for baking sheets.  Unfortunately the cabinet guy forgot, and when I reminded them they put in a cheap plastic thing that frustrated me because things were always falling through it.  Rather than get angry every time I opened the cabinet and then feel guilty because it was such a small thing in such a nice house, I decided to fix it.  I added a shelf which now holds lids to the big pans, and added a divider that doesn't let anything fall through.

I got a wood burner to try and put a face on my pig cutting board
and a branch with a bird on my big cutting board!

This is my office and Dan's school room that he really doesn't work in.
I got the chair from D.I. and redid the cushion quite a while ago.  I got Dan's desk from Savers and Derek
refinished it.  (Honestly he's a lot more patient with doing projects right than I am!)

I got this oak plant shelf from D.I. for 4 dollars!  You have to love a good treasure.
All I did was clean it and try to make the couple of scratches look less visible.

I got this cabinet from the Restore.  It was missing the shelf just up from the bottom.  I used it that way for a long time but finally went back to the Restore, found a board I thought would match, cut it to size and....YAY!  Now it has all of the shelves and I love it!

This is our downstairs bathroom that Derek has worked very hard to finish.
It is very close to done.  Derek suggested I stencil a few birds.

I rearranged things yesterday so that my plant (Mickey) could sit next to
my bamboo cabinet since I feel like they go together.

This is one of the three bedspreads I am working on but haven't finished.  I got the cloth from one of our former neighbors.  I only put two of the pictures on here but the third is like the one to the left only dark blue and white and I'll need to add cloth to it because it isn't as big.
The picture to the right is of my favorite bedspread cloth that I have.  Obviously I'll need to add cloth to it to make it big enough too.
This is the downstairs bathroom.  I hung the flower / bird hook
that we got at Savers.  Luckily, once it was up you could no longer see the hole from the bit of plaster that fell out during
my less than professional hanging. (Derek wasn't home and
I wanted to do it myself like the very best of 2 year olds!)

Since I really am really rich in projects there are more but, I will save them for another day!  After all, like the bedspreads, they are unfinished!

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