Friday, March 22, 2024

Grandma's Mountain

Pulpit Rock
(Though maybe my cousins remember the name differently)

When I was young we often got to go to my Grandma and Grandpa's house in LaVerkin.  This was pretty much always an awesome thing to get to do.  Cousins frequently came too and we spent a lot of time playing together, and climbing up what we called Grandma's mountain.  It is interesting to go back.  Things that once seemed huge don't seem as big anymore, but it is still impressive to me that so many of us climbed around on that mountain without getting hurt very badly.  I think the worst injury that happened at my grandma's house actually happened playing red rover on the lawn!

I do remember getting bitten by ants, and I know that there were a few run-ins with cacti, but nobody fell off a cliff, or broke any bones on the mountain that I know about!  I remember stepping on a rock and hearing a rattle snake once -- and deciding there had to be another way down the mountain.  What adventures we had!  We used our imagination creating our own forts or hide-aways and we came up with names for things.  Today Derek and I climbed around a little (which turns out to be a little hard while holding a drink).  I'm pretty sure I found a rock that some of us called "Pulpit Rock".  Or maybe it was "Church rock" but I'm not sure.  It was fun to be there, and I wished for more time to climb up farther.  I do think I was in better shape as a child!

One of my favorite things is always going up high and looking down.
This wasn't really very high.  It is above where my Grandma's old house is.
The street to the left and some of the buildings below weren't there
back in the good old days!

Just a look in a little bit different direction.

This is Derek at Pulpit Rock.  He told our kids that
this is "where the righteous kids pretended to
deliver grand sermons".  I'll just go with that.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I remember climbing up there every day when Gene Raymond and I went there with y'all. I'd love to visit there again only this time I'll not have anything to do with irrigation canals!😂😂 I remember once when we were climbing,I was making good progress and Tina comes running up the mountain and passes me! I was left thinking,how'd she do that? Hope everything and everyone is ok. Take care,love ya!