Monday, April 1, 2019

Seeing The Real You

I went to an activity with women in our church congregation where we were all supposed to answer questions, all of which required us to write something good about ourselves.  It was so interesting to watch us all struggle.  Sometimes I think there was a real struggle to believe there was something good to write down.  Sometimes it was a struggle with being able to say something good about ourselves, especially around others. 

I really think that we are afraid to see the real us.  There are probably quite a variety of reasons behind this, but we need to somehow find a way past that fear.  Interestingly, it seems to be the good parts of us that a lot of us try not to look at, or acknowledge, as if acknowledging the good in us is somehow a flaw in our character.  Who are we?  We are really children of God.

There should be a certain level of confidence that comes from knowing this.  If not confidence in ourselves, at least confidence in our Father, and what He and our Savior can help us become.  I have many flaws, but I know God doesn't want me to focus on all that I am not, because I am a Mom, and I sure don't want my kids focusing on all that they are not!  I want them to know that they are capable of more than they can imagine, and I want them to see that God gave them good qualities, and talents.  

The "real" us is not in the talents we don't have, or the mistakes we make, it is in all that is good about us.  As children of God that is who we really are!  If we focus on what is good, and improve on that, all that is not good will more naturally fall away.  If we also focus on the good in others, it will help them improve so that all that is not good in them will more naturally fall away.  There is power in knowing, and acknowledging, who we are.  I think more than anything the good in us is what Satan does not want us to see.  He is afraid of the good in us.

I don't know about you, but I rather like the idea of Satan being afraid, and so I am determined to do better at seeing the real me, and the real you.  If we all do that, I believe that our power for good will increase more than we can imagine.

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