Saturday, April 27, 2019

Praying and Working For The Success of Others

This morning I was reading in The Five Thieves of Happiness about a girl who was trying out for a sports team and asked the coach how another player was better than her.  The coach told her to not worry about anyone else, but to focus on being the best she could be.  On hearing this the girl realized that she did not want to make the team because someone else didn't do well.  She wanted to make the team because she did well herself.  Not only did she realize this, but she realized that it would be happier, and better to encourage others to succeed.

She started praying for individuals to succeed in the things they were trying to do, and even paid to allow a person to try out for the position she played because she felt they were better than her, but they couldn't afford to play otherwise.  In the end she found that she actually played better when she was not focused on how she compared to others, but on doing her best, and on encouraging those around her.

I like this story.  It is so easy to fall into the trap of comparison even though we would all be better off praying and working for the success of others, while at the same time trying to do our best at the things we do.

*Photo by Rachel Barkdoll on Unsplash

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