Friday, April 5, 2019

Spring Break a Helpful Adventure

Sherie (Me!), Dan, and Jake during Spring Break
The week of Spring Break Derek and Kayli had to work, and so I took Jake and Dan and went to hang out with some family.  I love my family and I'm so grateful for what good people they are.  Dan's favorite part of the trip was showing his Uncle Jeff the programming he'd been doing.  Jeff is good at being interested and encouraging.  I also like that Jenny and Jeff are good at sharing adventures with family members.  They offered an adventure the first night -- but I was tired and we went to get sleep instead.
My Dad, and Lizzie the dog.
I meant to get pictures of my parents
and the projects we worked on.
I forgot.  Oops!

The second day my boys helped their grandpa outside and I helped Mom inside.  It was good to accomplish things and to feel helpful.  In the afternoon my niece Haven was able to tell us the real name of the "swirly whirly death wish park" so Mom and I took the boys there for an hour.  Then we made dinner and Jenny took the boys and I hiking.  It was so fun!  And so beautiful!  I love that she was willing to go hiking with us with very little warning, and that she knew an awesome place to go! 
Jenny and Me

Dan and Me

The falls by Gunlock Reservoir

A beautiful place, where I happened
to pull a hamstring.  Sigh.
I'm still really glad we went.

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