Monday, August 26, 2019

A Birthday Party For Dan

Dan blowing out his candles

Dan's favorite.  Trick candles!  His friends liked them too.

Generous gifts from friends, though the greatest gift was that they came and had fun.
Dan is becoming a teenager this week.  That is a little hard for me to wrap my brain around!  He really wanted a party this year, and we decided not to have it on Labor Day weekend and so we had it this past Saturday.  We only invited three people, and the plan was to go to Lowe's X-Treme sports and then to have pizza at home.  Friday night found Dan worrying that nobody would come, and Saturday, when all three people showed up, it made him very happy.  I am so thankful that those three friends came!

My plan was to take care of the party myself.  Derek works hard all week and somehow I have it in my head that I am "supposed" to do the birthday parties.  Unfortunately, though I won't try to explain here and I don't really understand it myself, Saturday wasn't a stellar day for me.  Derek took the kids to Lowe's and I went shopping to get things for last night's birthday dinner, and I ordered and picked up the pizza.

The party was a success.  Dan was so happy that his friends came, and they seemed to enjoy their time together.  As a Mom, I am always very grateful when people are kind to my children!  Dan wasn't as pleased with the afternoon since it didn't include friends, and did include cleaning his room, but at least the party was a success!

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