Saturday, August 24, 2019

Inasmuch As Ye Have Done It....

During my youth I was able to attend the pageant in Nauvoo a few times.  During one scene about the organization of the Relief Society they would sing a song that used the words from Matthew 25:40
"...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
As they sang they would show women feeding the sick and playing with children, among other things.  The motto of the Relief Society is "Charity Never Faileth" and I think it is because of those depictions during the pageant, and the example of my own mother, that I always looked forward to being a part of something so great.  A great army of women who try to remember that every act we do, and every word we say, should be done and said as if the person we are helping, or talking to, is the Savior himself.  

Naturally, the reality is that the Relief Society is made up of human women, and so we sometimes fail.  But the more we practice, the more we can succeed, and an army of charitable women is surely needed everywhere to relieve all kinds of suffering and to provide love, kindness, and help.

**Relief Society Seal used by permission from

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