Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Charlie and Emma

This past weekend we had a chance to go up to the Ogden Temple to attend the wedding of our nephew Charlie to Emma.  We love them!
This is Charlie and Emma.  We love them.
We didn't get any pictures of them in their wedding attire.  They looked great!
Connor, Derek and Me on the temple grounds after the wedding
with my Mom and Chris in the background.

My Family(Siblings and Parents)
Brian, Jenny, Dad, Mom, Ray, Me, Tina
It is great to have special occasions because then we get to see each other!

Audrey, Trisa, and Tia
(At the reception)

Cousins:  Audrey, Lauren, Kayli, Maddie, Tia, and Trisa
Most of my kids love cereal, so they were pretty pleased that Charlie and Emma had a cereal bar at their reception.  They also had a "cake" that was beautifully stacked donuts.  The weather was lovely and it is good to celebrate such a happy occasion.

Connor came with Derek and Me.  The girls came up later for the reception.

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