Saturday, August 31, 2019

Responsibility and Opportunity

For many years I too often let myself be overwhelmed by responsibility.  I felt like I had the responsibility to always choose the right -- both for me, and for everyone in my family, and maybe a few other people on the side.  I was sure that I was supposed to always say the "right" thing, and teach my children the "right" thing at the "right" time and in the "right" way.  Of course, deep down I knew that was impossible, and so a lot of time I went into avoidance mode.  I stuck my nose in a book and tried not to think about how I was failing.  I was so overwhelmed that it never even dawned on me that I could take the opportunity to study, and learn how to think in a new way, and how to be more at peace with what I can do, and what I can't.

I still sometimes find myself shouldering responsibilities that aren't mine, and making mine sound much harder than they need to be.  I sometimes find myself stuck in trying to do everything and do it right.  Thankfully, I learned to take the opportunity to study more.  I have learned that I am responsible for me, and I am responsible to teach my children.  I have learned that they are responsible for them, and they are responsible to learn.  I can't make them.  I have learned that I am never going to do and say everything right all of the time, and I will occasionally get tired, and discouraged.  That is a part of being a normal human.  My job is to do the best I can, and to turn to Jesus for help when (not if) I make mistakes.  My job is to love everyone to the best of my ability, even the flawed person that is myself.

My responsibilities are opportunities to love, to learn, to practice, and to never give up trying.  They are opportunities to trust Jesus who is the Savior.  When my responsibilities feel heavy, they are opportunities to find rest, and peace knowing that I am not in charge, and the One who is has power and wisdom far beyond my own. 

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