Thursday, August 1, 2019

Downward Facing Dog

Teddy doing Downward Facing Dog.
I haven't done much yoga for a very long time.  I never did "much" yoga, but I used to have friends who came over and did yoga with me.  Then my shoulders became too painful for doing downward facing dog and other yoga poses.  I moved to Tai Chi.  And then I started taking medicine that has the side affect of making all of my joints ache.  Every time I do even a little Tai Chi or Yoga my joints seemed to hurt even worse than usual all day. (It couldn't possible be because I'm out of shape!) Now I am taking something to help my joints, which hasn't really had time to work much, but I decided to try an old Yoga DVD and follow the example of the person doing the easiest poses.  The picture above makes me laugh.  My arms are not relaxed.  I kept moving them to pet Teddy.

My yoga practice of the day didn't turn out like I hoped.  Dan kept commenting on how many doors were in the building they were doing the yoga in front of.  Why would anyone need that many doors!  He commented that he hadn't heard the music they played before, and how the music I write is more like hymns and is better etc., etc. (At least he was being a super fan!) I couldn't focus on what was being said on the dvd most of the time, but I figure that I tried, and Dan is important too!  Now it's on to the more creative exercises of walking through Walmart and lifting the laundry!
Teddy snuggling with Jake.  Jake is taking weeds out of his fuzzy dog hair.

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