Saturday, August 10, 2019

Grasping For Gratitude

I have, on occasion, felt like I was reaching out and trying to grasp gratitude, but it was illusive.  Other times, when I have been very stressed, it has been hard to take my mind away from my worries and into gratitude.  But I firmly believe that finding gratitude, especially in the midst of our hardest times, is a key to perspective, peace, and joy.  I have been taught this lesson over and over through a variety of circumstances.  So here are some things I am grateful for.

This very beautiful world we live in.  This morning as Jake was driving to drivers ed there were streams of sunlight coming out of a hole in the clouds.  It was so beautiful!

Music.  It once again came to my rescue this morning.  It was early, and I knew I wasn't going to sleep more because I was feeling sad, and was worrying over some things.  Then I decided I could sing, and I remembered that I used to sing a song with the line "Let the sunshine in, face it with a grin, smilers never lose and frowners never win".  I sang it so much that my roommate had it memorized.  So, even though it wasn't sunny this morning, I sang it and smiled.

The humor to be found in simple things.  I set an alarm on Alexa this morning and when it went off I said, "Thank you Alexa", which didn't turn the alarm off but did have her talking through the alarm and sounding very thankful for my gratitude!

Hugs.  All of my boys hugged me this morning.  They are such good boys, and so good to their Mom!

Friends.  One sent me a thoughtful text this morning, one picked up Jake when he got out of class early, and there are others out there who smile and are kind when they see me, and that makes a difference!

I am thankful for the fact that there are people who actually read what I write, which I think is sweet! 

I am thankful for all of the encouragers in my life.  I hope you have a lot of them in your life too, and that you can find the strength to find things to be grateful for no matter how hard life gets.

*** I'm also thankful for people who share their beautiful photos for me to use!
Photo by 周 辰曦 on Unsplash

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