Monday, August 12, 2019

How Do You Come Up With Things To Say?

My Dad asked me this when he was visiting.  I explained that some days I have a lot to say.  I've found ideas I'm interested in, or have just noticed things I'd like to share.  Sometimes there are things happening with the family that can be shared -- birthdays, weddings, etc.  And then, there are days like today.  I sit and stare at the screen and can't settle on anything.  And then I remembered the reunion when someone asked what you write about in a journal when you can't think of anything -- and I said to write about what you are grateful for.  This isn't exactly a journal, and I just did this the other day, but no day is the same!  So here's a quick list.

I'm thankful that:
**Jake mowed the lawn today so I didn't have to.
**Teddy is really funny when he attacks hoses (though that means he gets tied up so he doesn't tromp on the plants!)
**Derek called me from work and he is kind and thoughtful.
**The squash bugs didn't kill all the pumpkin plants.
**Rain has made the lawn look mostly green again!
**The van is great to drive around.
**Connor and Kayli both checked to see how I was doing during their lunch break.
**Jake and Dan ran right out and helped bring in groceries without being asked!
**We have laundry machines and so I did not have to do laundry by hand today!
**I have so much to be thankful for!

Happy Day!

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