Saturday, March 23, 2019

Lovely Lists

A friend of mine gave me a notebook for Christmas.  I love notebooks!  I also have a few and so I didn't know exactly what I wanted to use it for.  I thought about it until I had an idea that I loved.  It would be a notebook of My Lists!  Derek came home to find me sitting in front of our bookshelf making a list of the books that I've learned something from.  I told him what I was doing and that "I like lists!".  He laughed and asked if that was a surprise to me.

So here are the lists I have made so far.  I would love to hear what lists you would make!  I have a few different book lists, 100 things I appreciate about myself (this was an idea from the Better Than Happy podcast), 100 things I appreciate about Derek, goals that I have had, and words to ponder.  I do love words!

I do not like all lists and so lists of chores, and what I "should do" will not make it into my book.  It will just be a book of lovely lists.

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