Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Here are a few things I've heard about failure that I find helpful:

Fear of failure keeps us stuck.
This has happened in a lot of situations for me.  When I don't know exactly the right way to help a child it sometimes stops me from trying anything.  If I try something,
at least I gain information on whether that thing works or not!

You never fail unless you quit trying.
Albert Einstein
This can sound a bit harsh in some circumstances.  I took violin lessons for a year.  It hurt to play because of neck and shoulder issues, and it was really hard!  I learned quite a bit, but in the end decided to stop playing the violin and stick with the instruments I have.  I do not feel like I failed just because I stopped playing the violin.  I learned quite a lot, including how impressed I should be by good violinists!  I did fail to become a great violinist myself, but I succeeded in trying something new and learning quite a bit!

Failure = Information
If we have "failed", it can show what we need to work on,
or practice more,
or what doesn't work. 

Failure is success in progress.
Photo by Ian Kim on Unsplash

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