Friday, May 31, 2019
What I Love About Today (Written on Thankful Thursday)
I love that it was sunny and quiet when I got up, and I enjoyed reading and eating my breakfast with quiet music playing. I loved playing ball with Teddy because he loves it SO much, and it really was beautiful outside. I watered a few things that may or may not have needed water, and Teddy is hilarious when the hose is on and moving around. He acts like it is alive and he must attack it. That was funny.
Next I went to Walmart early enough that it wasn't busy, and I only got one thing that wasn't on my list (Miracle!) -- and it was on my list last time, I just forgot it! I love that after I mowed the front lawn, I was smart enough to know that I was too tired to mow the back lawn today, and it won't hurt to wait another day. And I enjoyed talking to Kayli, who was very sympathetic, and who offered to mow even though it would make breathing really hard for her.
I love that Derek called me from work and was encouraging and kind. I love that Dan made cookies and was proud of how well they turned out, and that Jake helped me put the family picture and a picture of the ocean in frames and get them hung up. I enjoyed Jake's smile as he told me about trying to juggle, and how juggling in the shade is easier than juggling in the sunshine.
I love that even on days when my energy is low, there are so very many things that I can be thankful for, and writing about them has helped me to notice them more.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
How Do You Decide if You're a Good Mom?
My awesome family. Connor, Travis, Derek, Mike Trisa, Dan (in white), Me, Tia, Jake, and Kayli |
I have, and still sometimes do, find myself using those bad methods of deciding what kind of Mom I am. I have really great kids, which helps me feel better when I'm thinking I'm a failure as a Mom in some area, but even how my kids turn out isn't the best measure of whether or not I'm a good Mom! It turns out (spoiler alert for those who don't know) we can't control our children! We can try really hard, but then we just make them and us miserable.
So how do I decide if I'm a good Mom? Well, I need to sit down and decide for myself exactly what I think qualifies me for the "good Mom" title. Maybe it's to make sure there is food in the house that my children can fix when I don't get around to making dinner, and making sure they have clothes to wear that are at least close to their size. And I would probably include teaching them how to work (they may not learn, but I can teach!). I would also include teaching lots of other important stuff, especially about Jesus -- mostly by example and discussions because lecturing isn't a very successful method (I've tried).
No matter what my list looks like, the point is, I can't control what other people think about my parenting, and I can't really control what my children do or say or learn, but I can control myself (at least on a good day). And, because I'm human I will totally fail some of the time -- but that's the time to remember that I'm practicing and so I get to try again. So I decide by if I'm at least making a reasonable effort to accomplish my list. And I need to be reasonable about what I decide is reasonable :-)
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Good I Can Do
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Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash |
I have learned this a few times. I think I even wrote a blog talking about focusing on the good in everyone, including ourselves, and improving on what we do right, and the bad stuff will get pushed out. Maybe I should make a list of the lessons that I have learned over and over, and read it often until the lessons really sink in. It's worth a try!
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Memorial Day Weekend
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Derek and I went on a date on Saturday. I got to eat a pot pie at the new Kentucky Fried Chicken. I like those. Then we walked by Utah Lake a little. There were lots of bugs. But I didn't get eaten! |
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There was maybe supposed to be a bird floating on the water in this picture. A big white one. But I don't see it. |
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Sunday we went to the Payson Cemetery with Family. This is Kayli, Connor, and Chase |
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On Memorial day we went to the Santaquin Cemetery and then, after lunch, we hiked P Mountain. This is Tia and Mike. |
Monday, May 27, 2019
"In Memory Of ..."
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Captain Moroni by Arnold Friberg |
In the book of Alma we are told the Nephite people's motivations for fighting. These included "...their lands, and their houses, and their wives, and their children...their rights and their privileges, yea, and also their liberty, that they might worship God according to their desires." (Alma 43:9) On Memorial Day we are thankful for all of those who have died protecting those things for us, and we are also thankful for those who lived their lives building up our cities and towns, raising good families, and fighting to create and keep the liberty and freedom of worship that we enjoy.
"In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children..." (Title of Liberty -- Alma 46:12)
Sunday, May 26, 2019
"Courage to Be You"
Gail Miller wrote a book with the above title, and my mother-in-law gave it to me, and I loved it. Here are some quotes that I loved enough to write down.
"Even small improvements are superior to idleness."
"It is difficult to find the courage to try if we repeatedly turn our thoughts to the worst within us."
"The Spirit of the Lord cannot touch us when we are idle."
"You are absolutely capable of achieving anything you and the Lord design together."
"There isn't any shame in needing help, but there might be in pretending we don't need it."
"It's hard to find out what your voice sounds like if you're not using it."
"Every dollar I don't needlessly spend is a tool that can go somewhere else to bless someone else."
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Weight of The World
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Dan was explaining to me the other day how much more weight yoked animals can pull than a single animal. He was very impressed. This is why Jesus wants us to take His yoke upon us, because then we will have help with the weight of all of the things we worry about. And if we feel stuck, He can help pull us out. |
It is frustrating to me how many times I fail to trust Christ to help and try to do things on my own, forgetting that I know Christ, and that I can trust Him to give that help. I have taken to having messages pop up on my phone to remind me of Christ's love, and the grace He extends to me because I apparently have a challenge keeping this in mind during stressful moments.
I have heard that if you "live the gospel" you will be happier. And it is possible that I immediately thought of a checklist. Am I praying? Reading the scriptures? Being nice? Going to church? Helping all I can? etc. etc. But the essence of living the gospel isn't that list, it is trusting God, and turning to Him in my troubles, and trusting that He is aware of me and all of the people I want to help, and He knows what to do.
I think it is hardest of all to remember to trust God when people I love are facing long, difficult challenges that go on and on. Where is God then? Is the Savior turning a blind eye? Should I get angry, give up on God, and take off that yoke while frantically trying to solve the problem myself? No. He can carry much more weight than me, or those I worry over, but it does take experiences with Christ for me to trust Him. The more I learn of Him, the better I know Him, the easier it is to trust Him, and then the weight of the world can be lifted off of my shoulders.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Dan's Piano Recital
Dan had a piano recital on Monday at the same time I had a concert, so I didn't get to go. He did play the song for me before I left, and Derek and Tia sent me pictures. Dan did a great job on the first page of his song. The second page wasn't as polished. I think he likes going to piano lessons more than he likes playing the piano. He loves his teacher, and his teacher's dog, and having someone new to talk to.
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Dan and his Dad I love those smiles! |
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You can almost see all of the family that went except Derek. Dan is on the right, then Connor, Kayli, Tia, and Mike |
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Derek and Jake. |
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Here is Connor ducking so that a picture could be taken of the piano students and their teacher. Dan is standing tall in the front! |
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Summer Learning and My Summer Plan
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I love to swing! Swings remind me of summer. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash |
Somehow, it all sounded fun before Summer started, and then kind of went downhill from there. Summers made me feel like I was responsible every day all day to make sure my kids were doing worthwhile things. At least when they are in school I know that for a few hours they are following a schedule where they are supposed to be learning something!
I do not know what this summer will be like. I only have two kids that don't count as grown ups. It won't look the same as summers when all 6 kids were home! We have some adventures planned already and I have ideas for more. I have lovely plans to have the boys help with "spring" cleaning. I'm sure they'll be thrilled. For my sanity, I'm sure we'll need some structure, and rules about electronic distractions, but I do not want to micromanage the boys so much that they do not know how to manage themselves!
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Photo by Alex on Unsplash |
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Attack Pets and "Baby Dog"
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Kayli With Her "Baby Dog" Teddy Picture by Connor |
Then we got a cat. Somehow I remembered Derek agreeing to me getting the cat, but he swears that no such conversation took place. Oops. Our girls liked the cat okay, but Derek did not. It scratched the paint on the cars, and would stalk baby Connor and pounce on him if we weren't watchful. Having the cat made me aware that I had become really allergic to them, and our cat mostly decided to stay at the neighbor's house across the street. They came to inform us one day that they thought he had been poisoned and they would take care of it. What nice neighbors.
The goldfish we had don't count. I felt like we put them in tiny torture chambers where they were stuck waiting for me to clean the bowl because the owner of the fish wasn't going to do that!
Sometimes, years after Midnight the pouncing cat, I mentioned to Derek that I thought a dog would help one of our kids with anxiety. We didn't really want to take care of a dog though, we were too busy trying to take care of the children to want something cute, furry, and naughty to take care of!
And then there was the day that grown up Kayli came home saying, "I did a thing". She was holding a little black and white puppy named Teddy. Derek said he must be an outside dog, but naturally, over time, Teddy has evolved into a wherever he wants to be kind of dog. This has all worked out well. The dog does help with the anxiety of at least 3 of my children. Kayli takes care of him because she's his "Mom", and the rest of us play with him, and pet him, and laugh at the silly things he does. He's really just like a furry toddler with four legs.
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Aww. Teddy the Baby Dog loves his Mom. |
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Visiting the View
A long time ago we bought land in Elk Ridge. Kayli was in 3rd grade -- so maybe 15 years ago. It is beautiful, but it has not ever seemed to be the "right" time to build a house there. It has mainly served as a place that we go to enjoy the view, and the flowers, and to imagine what we might do in the future. During hard times, spending a little time on the property watching the birds fly below and deer walking around seemed to provide hope that things would get better. It is peaceful, and lovely.
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Derek on a cloudy Saturday afternoon. |
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Derek loves the little yellow wildflowers you can see behind me. |
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This is the view looking up into Loafer Canyon. |
Monday, May 20, 2019
Cartoon Concert
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Maudie, Me, and Amber It looks similar to the last concert picture! |
I am thankful for my family. They came and supported me. I'm not sure what to think about the fact that most of the time, when I looked up, one of my kids had their phone camera pointed at me, or they were looking at it and chuckling. They are always very encouraging and supportive though, and that helps me a lot.
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Kayli, Connor, and Derek. So silly. Jake and Dan were there too -- and Tia and Mike. |
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This is what my family could see from their seats. Kayli has more pictures, but I haven't managed to acquire them yet. These two were from Connor. |
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Derek Had a Birthday
Derek's birthday is on Cinco de Mayo and I posted a silly song for that day, and I wrote about walking in the wind on his birthday, but I did not write about him.
Every day I am thankful for Derek. We met in 1987, got married in 1988 and have been going through the ups and downs of life together ever since. He doesn't really love mushy, romantical posts, and so I will just say that I love him and that I enjoyed spending his whole birthday with him this year.
Derek in 2010 / Derek is fun, and I like this picture from the Christmas where he got the Knight for a Christmas present. |
Happy Belated Birthday to my Derek.
Naturally, Derek being silly makes us all smile our best, but then he's not ready for the picture! |
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Born Tired, Mind Control, and the Treadmill
I sometimes wonder if I was born tired. I should ask my Mom, but if she's like me, when she had little kids she was so tired herself that she probably doesn't remember! Why mention being tired? Well it's hard not to think of how tired you are when you are on a treadmill trying for better mind control than usual.
Let me explain. My bones are on the road to being smooshy. It is not good to let your bones get like that if you can avoid it, and at the last Dr. appointment I had I was given a sticky note prescription of 6 days of exercise, 30 minutes a day. I must work a little harder if I don't want a big shot to try to make my bones stronger -- though sometimes that sounds less painful than treadmill walking.
What does that all have to do with mind control? Well, I might have been born tired, but I wasn't born with superior mind control! Naturally, I can't control anyone elses mind or my kids would all have not just done their assignments, but turned them in on time! But shouldn't I be able to control what goes on in my own head?
So, here I am on the treadmill, trying to listen to a podcast on self actualization and to not listen to my inner voice saying, "You know, to other people this is like moseying down the street. You feel like you're almost running. Isn't that pathetic? ------ Oh Stop! We are not to compare!" Then, as I start jogging, because intervals are good for you, "Ha! now you are going the speed that most people think of as a normal walk and you can't even keep up this pace for half a lap! -------- Stop! I'm on the treadmill. This is good. Think how many muscles are getting stronger -- and my bones too!"
I spent a lot of my 30 minutes trying to direct my mind back to the podcast, trying not to compare myself to the cousin my age who just ran another ironman, imagining all of the advice people would give about how walking in the sunshine would have been better (I have learned for myself that if my mind control is out of control, walking outside has me trying to find a shortcut home while hoping to hold in the crying spell until I can get to my house and hide). I spent time towards the end trying not to cry, telling myself that "crying is not helpful" And then kindly reminding myself that I cry when I have worked really hard and am tired, and look at me go! I worked hard! I gave in at 27 minutes and cried -- just a little. 3 minutes to go. I can do this. And I did.
I'm pretty sure, that even with poor mind control, and being born tired, if I take a nap I can feel really happy about my amazing accomplishment of spending 30 minutes learning about self actualization while on the treadmill. What is self actualization? Well, I'm a little vague on that still, but I remember Jody saying that we need to accept ourselves -- the good and the bad. So here I am embracing my slow, tired, crazy self and giving myself a little compassion, and a few gold stars, and maybe a few minutes to take a nap.
Let me explain. My bones are on the road to being smooshy. It is not good to let your bones get like that if you can avoid it, and at the last Dr. appointment I had I was given a sticky note prescription of 6 days of exercise, 30 minutes a day. I must work a little harder if I don't want a big shot to try to make my bones stronger -- though sometimes that sounds less painful than treadmill walking.
What does that all have to do with mind control? Well, I might have been born tired, but I wasn't born with superior mind control! Naturally, I can't control anyone elses mind or my kids would all have not just done their assignments, but turned them in on time! But shouldn't I be able to control what goes on in my own head?
So, here I am on the treadmill, trying to listen to a podcast on self actualization and to not listen to my inner voice saying, "You know, to other people this is like moseying down the street. You feel like you're almost running. Isn't that pathetic? ------ Oh Stop! We are not to compare!" Then, as I start jogging, because intervals are good for you, "Ha! now you are going the speed that most people think of as a normal walk and you can't even keep up this pace for half a lap! -------- Stop! I'm on the treadmill. This is good. Think how many muscles are getting stronger -- and my bones too!"
I spent a lot of my 30 minutes trying to direct my mind back to the podcast, trying not to compare myself to the cousin my age who just ran another ironman, imagining all of the advice people would give about how walking in the sunshine would have been better (I have learned for myself that if my mind control is out of control, walking outside has me trying to find a shortcut home while hoping to hold in the crying spell until I can get to my house and hide). I spent time towards the end trying not to cry, telling myself that "crying is not helpful" And then kindly reminding myself that I cry when I have worked really hard and am tired, and look at me go! I worked hard! I gave in at 27 minutes and cried -- just a little. 3 minutes to go. I can do this. And I did.
I'm pretty sure, that even with poor mind control, and being born tired, if I take a nap I can feel really happy about my amazing accomplishment of spending 30 minutes learning about self actualization while on the treadmill. What is self actualization? Well, I'm a little vague on that still, but I remember Jody saying that we need to accept ourselves -- the good and the bad. So here I am embracing my slow, tired, crazy self and giving myself a little compassion, and a few gold stars, and maybe a few minutes to take a nap.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Honoring Mothers -- Not Dishonoring Fathers
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My Mom and Dad in 2008. I got this from my Dad's Facebook photos :-) |
Now, in both of the speakers defense, neither intentionally dishonored Fathers. One was a son, who did mention his Father as important -- though, to me, he made it sound like being a Mother is better. One was a Father, and I think he was downplaying his role, trying to make sure he was giving his wife the credit she deserved.
I honor Mothers. My own Mother has shown me how to love, serve, cook, bake, and clean. She has shared her love of books and music. She has been an example of faith, courage, and forgiveness. She has shown me that learning can be a constant thing, and that we can learn even if we aren't in school. I cannot possibly say enough things in honor of my Mother, or my mother-in-law, and all of the Grandmas (both mine and Derek's). These are women who, in the midst of their own challenges, cared for, taught, and loved those within their sphere of influence.
I also honor Fathers. My own Father worked a lot of hours. He provided our family with a place to live, and food to eat, and clothes to wear. He helped teach us to work, even when having us work probably made the job harder, and to serve, giving to people who had less than we did. He wrote us cards or letters when he had to work away from home to take care of us. He shared his love of the scriptures every chance he got. I do not think I could say enough things to honor both my Dad, and my children's Dad, and the Grandpa's that all worked so hard to love the families in their care.
I love my Mom and my Dad. Not everyone has a good Mom and Dad -- but that does not take away from the fact that the roles of both a Mother and a Father are vital, and important, and worthy of honoring.
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Some of the Christensen clan singing for Derek's Mom on Mother's day including Tia and Kayli. We were blessed to be able to see my Mom and Derek's on Mother's Day. |
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Attending a Wedding For Our Anniversary
Saturday the 11th of May was the 31st anniversary of Derek's and my wedding. We celebrated by attending the wedding of our niece Maddie in St. George. Witnessing the creation of a new family unit is a good way of spending an anniversary! The marriage took place at the St. George Temple which was blindingly bright white in the sunshine.
Before my uncle performed the sealing, he talked about marriage and the covenants that were being made. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we believe that God has restored the power of the Priesthood, and the authority to seal families together forever. Uncle Don did point out that two people being sealed doesn't automatically mean that marriage will last forever. We need to keep our covenants, and work at marriage, and treat our spouse in such a way that they actually want to be with us forever!
Naturally, I took pictures at the last minute -- not at the temple, or the lunch, but at the reception. It was held at the home of one of Jenny's friend down the street. It really was a castle. The girls helping with the food wanted to get married and live in a castle like that one!
Before my uncle performed the sealing, he talked about marriage and the covenants that were being made. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we believe that God has restored the power of the Priesthood, and the authority to seal families together forever. Uncle Don did point out that two people being sealed doesn't automatically mean that marriage will last forever. We need to keep our covenants, and work at marriage, and treat our spouse in such a way that they actually want to be with us forever!
Naturally, I took pictures at the last minute -- not at the temple, or the lunch, but at the reception. It was held at the home of one of Jenny's friend down the street. It really was a castle. The girls helping with the food wanted to get married and live in a castle like that one!
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Trisa and me. |
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Kayli, Derek, and Trisa |
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Me, Derek, Hyrum, Jake, and Connor |
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My Uncle Don, Aunt Ada and my sister Tina. Uncle Don was the Sealer in the temple and it was a really, really great wedding. |
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Logan and Maddie. I only got pictures when they were talking to other people -- so no on purpose poses. |
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Logan and Maddie again. |
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These are the "twin" cousins. Dan is just like an older twin who likes to point out those all important 5 hours that he was ahead of Caleb at getting in to life. Ha ha! |
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This is my favorite. Jeff dancing with his little girl. These are two really great people. I love them. |
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
A Scripture For Me
"For the Lord shall comfort Zion, he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody."
2 Nephi 8:3
Sometimes when I am reading scriptures, I feel that a particular scripture is for me that day, and I can see how to put myself in it. While reading this one, it struck me that I could put my name in the place of Zion. Zion has more than one definition, and one is "the pure in heart". While I am not saying that I am perfectly pure in heart, I do believe in Christ, and that He is helping me to become pure in heart through His grace, and His atonement. So here's how I read it, and it felt hopeful, and comforting.
"For the Lord shall comfort [me], he will comfort all [my] waste places; and he will make [my] wilderness like Eden, and [my] desert like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness shall be found [in me], thanksgiving and the voice of melody."
Reading it now it brings the same hope and comfort. I sin, and let myself down often, and it creates "waste places" in my mind, and in my life. Christ comforts me. He doesn't condemn me, but is there to heal me. Life often feels like a tangled wilderness that I can't see my way through, and yet, the Lord can make that wilderness like Eden. When I lack knowledge, or direction, or I feel alone or worn out, it is as if I am lost in a desert. But the Lord is the Living Water and can turn deserts into gardens.
With the Lord in my life I have more joy and gladness, and more gratitude. I feel "the voice of melody" in my life when I turn to Christ, and it is not a discordant melody, but a harmonious, joyful one.
*Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Last Day in Kauai. The Gardens and Goodbye Beach!
The last day in Kauai was the day that kept going and going as we didn't have a flight until 10 p.m. Hawaiian time (which makes it 2 a.m. our time) and we flew and flew and hung out an an airport and flew some more until it was all of a sudden Tuesday afternoon!
On this last day we chose to visit the McBryde Garden. It was next to the Allerton Garden where some movies were made, but you are required to have a tour guide at the Allerton Gardens, and we like to wander around as fast or slow as we want.
It was a really great trip. It is also great to be home.
On this last day we chose to visit the McBryde Garden. It was next to the Allerton Garden where some movies were made, but you are required to have a tour guide at the Allerton Gardens, and we like to wander around as fast or slow as we want.
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Derek in this building thing :-) |
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Me by the same building thing |
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This is a kind of pine tree. It is different than the ones we usually see. |
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This is towards the beginning of our walk. There is a canoe behind Derek. I didn't go over there because it was a lot more wet and smooshy than it looks. |
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This was a really interesting pokey tree (not its technical name). |
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This is the same tree closer up. Derek said all of those bumps were really sharp. I took his word for it. |
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Some kind of palm tree with interesting round things growing that might be a kind of food, but I don't know. |
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Me in front of the dam |
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Beautiful parasites. All throughout the garden there would be flowering vines, or weird flowering fungus growing on trees. They look pretty, but I do not know if they are really good for the trees! |
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Pretty flowers! |
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More beautiful parasites. The leaves on the tree are up higher and very different. |
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Jungle. |
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A kind of fuzzy looking tree. |
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Derek by some very large Jack Fruit |
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Cool vines! |
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I don't know. I just took a picture :-) |
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Me trying to imitate the signs they had everywhere showing how we might fall. Naturally, after trying to pose I lost my balance and fell -- but only a little. |
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Back to the cool vines. |
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This is one of the top three tourist attractions in Kauai according to the bus driver who took us to the gardens. It's called the "Spouting Horn blowhole, and spouts higher than this sometimes. |
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This is at the bottom of the stairs we took. |
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This is what the sign to the right of Derek in the picture above says. |
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Trying again. |
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Goodbye Hawaii! |
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Another picture because the sky changed colors. |
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After our long flight, and getting back to a really big rainstorm in SLC and then driving to Payson, we got home to a dog that was very happy to see us. |
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