Friday, March 1, 2024

When You Go To A Children's Museum.....

 And the only picture that is taken on your phone is of you!

Brigham was not impressed with my tower.
Luckily, I was not the only Grandparent there and Derek took pictures of Brigham.
Brigham in a fireman coat and a Nasa hat at the magnet table.

Mike and Brigham.  The chair has a pulley so you can pull yourself up.
The first tower I built Derek helped me with and then a little boy joined us, handing blocks to Derek.  When the tower fell down he still wanted to play with Derek even though his Mom volunteered to build with him.  It was cute.  They built another tower.  Derek is really good with children.

When we got home Emily had a stinky diaper and Brigham wanted it taken care of immediately.
He plugged his ears while she cried.  He gets very concerned and wanted to make sure she was ok.

He was "snuggling" sister and rocking the swing.

I liked Brigham's face in this one.
Brigham is down for a nap now.  When he realizes where he is going he all of a sudden decides he is hungry and thirsty and needs to hug everyone -- even though he has generally done all of those things.  He is a good sleeper though and will be happier after nap.

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