Sunday, December 28, 2014

Kayli's Last Teenage Year Has Begun!

Kayli turned 19 on the 19th.  I love that she opened all of her presents while sitting kind of on top of Jake.  She was in Monticello with Trisa and Travis for a few days visit before her birthday.  Trisa drove her to Green River on her birthday where Derek and I met them and had lunch with them.  It was my first time having lunch at a Tavern!

After traveling home we had dessert.  I think the pictures of that are safely on Derek's phone.  She had homemade brownies with homemade peach ice cream.  Yum!  For dinner she had the easy version of lasagna. Pretty much it's lasagna made with different noodles on the stove-top.  We watched a movie after dinner.  Presents were between dessert and dinner.  Here are pictures of that.

Kayli on Jake's lap.  Dan handing out the presents.

Kayli holds Olaf

I loved going to wake up Kayli the next morning and finding her snuggled up next to Olaf.  Kayli is a very kind, fun, and talented girl.  She makes beautiful music on the piano and with her voice that I miss when she is away at college.  She is such a good sister and a caring friend. She is also helpful, and she loves her Mom and Dad too, which I'm really glad about.  I love Kayli!

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