Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Power of Questions

Have you ever noticed that some people have a knack for coming up with good questions?  I often think I should really take someone with this gift to doctor's appointments because I don't think of questions until after we leave -- if I think of them at all.  This kind of gift is also helpful when it comes to pondering important things.  I am so thankful for people who come up with good questions because I can learn a lot by trying to come up with the answers!

I am such a fan of "The Chosen" t.v. show that I also bought their book "The Chosen:  40 Days With Jesus".  I am working my way through it a day at a time and I have loved it.  I find myself pondering our Savior more because of the questions they ask.  They are not questions that I can always answer right away.  They take thought.

The questions asked have had the power to direct my thoughts to my Savior and His life and what His life shows me that mine can be.  In the past I have thought about what Christ has delivered me from, but haven't spent as much time on what he has delivered me for.  I have always assumed I welcome everyone, but I have now had a chance to ponder who I struggle to welcome.  It was interesting to think about what I repeatedly petition God for and it would probably never have occurred to me to ask, "What are some audacious things you can ask God to do in your life?".

I still am not sure what a good answer to that last one is!  Still, I do love helpful thinking questions and coming up with questions is a talent I would like to acquire because good questions can help people learn.

Photo by Matt Walsh on Unsplash

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