Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Odds and Ends

Tia and Chewy while some of us watched a movie.

The girls made a cheese bunny that we ate.

Jake, Derek, Me, Kayli, Trisa and Dan on Sunday after "church".

Since I overdid it last week and made my hamstring and hip hurt, I hadn't done physical therapy much.  I knew I needed to start back up today but I didn't want to.  Then I remembered we own a yoga mat that had never been used.  I took it to my garden and did physical therapy there.  It was great except for two things.   It was around 10 a.m. and the garden was hot!  And, the bark got all over the yoga mat and I had to pick slivers off of it.  I chose the garden because I could close the gate and stay fairly hidden.  I guess I'll just find a good spot of grass in the back yard next time!

This is the exercise bike I bought the other day.  I didn't like the spinner bike, so now Tia and Mike have it.  This one is a desk bike.  I tend to do a lot of things sitting down and don't move as much as I should.  This is me doing the bills at the desk.  Let's just say that it's a little hard to pedal and write at the same time -- but I got a little biking in!  I used the computer for a while too.  It straps on the desk to make sure it won't fall.

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