Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Laundry Room Project

I'm not sure what overcame me, but I looked at the laundry room on Thursday and, even though I didn't really feel great, decided I didn't like the color anymore and I should paint it.  It's a little room.  It shouldn't take long -- right?
I didn't remember to take a before picture until the shelves were off the wall and almost all of the stuff was removed.  
I don't remember how many hours I worked on the room on Thursday.  Almost immediately upon getting ready to paint, I hurt myself by pinching my hand in the roller.  Ouch!  I'm still wearing a bandaid to keep it from hurting.  I made lots of noises dropping things or groaning over some mistake I made.  The girls yelled to see if I was alright a few times.  I stopped working at dinner time.  The back wall was mostly done, I had used the remaining light blue paint, which covered the 3 walls once, and then I mixed another blue with white and painted again.

Friday I was sure it wouldn't take long to finish, but I kept fixing little things and switching colors of paint and cleaning paint brushes.  I think it took from 8 a.m. until about 1 p.m. or so to declared myself finished.
Sorry.  This one's blurry.  Oops!
Derek helped me put shelves back up today.  We added one that is easier for me to reach, and so I just put silly pictures on the top.  I've never decorated a laundry room before!
Our laundry room is a bit crowded, but it works well!  We sort clothes into the baskets on the left on laundry day and use the other baskets to switch things from washer to dryer to wherever they are going to get folded.

I love that I don't have to climb up on the dryer to fetch a new bottle of detergent anymore!

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