Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Dig It Up

I've been listening to books from the online library, and I really enjoyed one by Dr. Henry Cloud called 9 Things You Simply Must Do to Succeed in Love and Life.  The first of those nine things was "Dig it Up". 

He talks about taking a close look inside ourselves to look for "treasures".  These might be dreams, imaginings, wishes, talents, and things we would enjoy.  Dr. Cloud says that some of these things have become hidden from us because of past experiences.  Perhaps we tried something once, and got a negative response, so we determined to never try again!  It is possible that we also hide our heart's desire because we want to please the people we know and we don't think they will approve, or we are afraid of being laughed at.

The author quoted King Solomon as saying "Above all else, guard your heart" (which Dr. Cloud defined as our dreams).  Those good treasures were likely planted there by God.  Do we really want to give them up?

If we dig up hurt while digging for treasure then it is time to forgive and move on.  Being unwilling to forgive hurts us more than anyone else, and may keep us from becoming all that we could be.

What have I dug up?  Well, admittedly, I'm still digging :-).  I do puppets because years ago I dug up the memory of how much I enjoyed making my stuffed animals talk.  I write poetry despite a discouraging experience with a teacher in grade school.  I think it is worth digging through our memories to get rid of hurt, and to potentially find a dream that, with attention, can become reality.

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