Monday, January 8, 2024

Beauty in the Everyday


Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash

I have a clear case on my phone so that I can change out the picture under the case every now and then.  I tend to get tired of having the same picture all of the time.  While looking through magazines for pictures to use, I also look for words I might want to put with the picture.  One of my favorite pictures was a yellow bird with a green background.  It was not the same as above, but it was close enough.  With it, I found the words "Beauty in the everyday".  I kept that picture for months and never really got tired of it, but decided to switch pictures with the season.  I had pumpkins next, but I really loved the words, and so I kept them.

As Fall ended and Winter came, I changed my picture again, and the words were getting worn out and so they aren't on my phone anymore, but I still love them.  There IS beauty in every day.  Some days, maybe depending on our mood or what is happening in our lives, it is just harder for us to see.  Some of the beauty that I enjoy includes birds, clouds, trees, animals, smiles, laughter, kindness, music, and even food.  If I don't find new words that I love to add to my next phone case picture, I am tempted to print out "Beauty in the Everyday" again because it is a good reminder to look around and see the beauty that is there to be found if I look.

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