Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Where Was I Focusing Again?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

This year my word is LOVE and I had to narrow down what I wanted to work on so that it wouldn't be too ridiculously hard to accomplish or measure.  One of the things I am trying to do is to value and take care of this body that God gave me.  I have done, if I do say so myself, excellently at getting myself to exercise 6 days a week.  Not hard exercise every day -- I have to start slowly so as not to hurt myself, but a half hour every day.  I have done well, but for the last couple of weeks it has all of a sudden become hard.  I was focusing too much on checking the boxes six times, and on the awesome look and feel of being "in shape" that I was hoping for, but wasn't feeling.  Boo.

The only way I kept going on the treadmill last time was, first I am stubborn, and second I was listening to Atomic Habits which was talking about focusing on processes, not outcomes.  The goal is not a certain end result, but the process of improvement.  It reminded me to focus on the why and the how, and not the result I can't see.  I also got a reminder that the focus of our lives is more important to our happiness than our circumstances (thank you President Nelson!).

I was looking forward to today.  It was my review, adjust, and plan day when I look back on the month and see if there are things I need to adjust, delete, or just schedule better.  Unfortunately, I woke up with a surprise killer headache.  I have had a pretty good day anyhow, and I accomplished what I wanted to (mostly:).  Another reminder I have gotten recently is to pay more attention to the direction I am headed than the speed.  Progress is progress no matter how small!  

Now, back to focusing on love!

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