Monday, November 9, 2020

"Into The Woods To Find a Friend"

 That is a quote from the musical "Into the Woods" and it is from a song that often gets stuck in my head when we go to the woods for a walk.  We've done that a couple of times lately.  

This is Kayli, Trisa, and me on our way up Payson Canyon on Oct. 3rd.  Derek was driving and Dan was in the back.  Jake was working.
Me, Derek, and Kayli (behind Derek's shoulder).
Dan.  I'm not sure what he's doing, but our shadows are pretty awesome!
Derek and I went hiking up in Elk Ridge the other day and this was the view from up where we went.
We went again with the kids a few days later only we went farther and Dan wanted me to take this picture.  Unfortunately, the picture doesn't do justice to how pretty it was!

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