Thursday, November 5, 2020

4 Seasons of Happiness Health Plan

 Hi all!  I was having a happy mental health day the other day.  I spent over an hour at Barnes and Noble doing my best to find the "perfect" planner for me for the year ahead.  This is something I love doing, and a planner is something I love having!  As I was heading to the store I was thinking about a friend who had posted a health plan that she was excited to follow.  I looked at it, but was less enthused about following it, and was pretty sure it wasn't for me -- but I like the idea of having a health plan!  I decided that I could create my own!

I was contemplating gardening, and seasons of life, and all of the things we can learn from nature, and I decided to make a health plan for each season of the year.  So, ever since then I have been studying up on winter.  What is winter good for?  What are the challenges of winter?  How can the darker days be dealt with so as to not cause more depression?  If I get nothing else out of this, I will have learned a few things and had a good time trying to create something good!

For today I will just leave you with the quote I have decided to use for my whole "4 Seasons of Happiness Health Plan"

"We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming.  We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are.  They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse.  But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives."               Gary Zukhav

This is up at our property in ER.  Apparently right now it is turkey season!



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