Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Love Does


This is one of the books that I purchased with my Christmas book money from Derek's parents.  I loved it so much I pretty much stopped every few minutes to tell whatever story I was reading to whoever was around.  Bob Goff has some pretty funny stories, but he also has some good wisdom.

One thing he says is that "most people need love and acceptance a lot more than they need advice."  I have been trying to practice listening to understand and NOT spouting all of my "wisdom" when it isn't asked for.  I fail sometimes and succeed sometimes.  I do know that it is easy to feel like someone sees me as less than if they are giving me advice I didn't think I needed!  I do try to remember that people generally are just trying to help and aren't intending their advice as criticism.

I like this one to:  "It has always seemed to me that broken things, just like broken people, get used more; it’s probably because God has more pieces to work with."  I like this thought because it is easy, when I feel like I am broken, to feel useless instead of seeing that God can use me for good no matter how useless I feel if I just give a little effort!

I certainly am not likely to do a lot of the things Bob Goff, and even his children have done, but the book is good for giving you something to think about and I recommend it!

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