Friday, March 13, 2020

Another Day. Another Closet.

I took everything out of Derek's and my closet on Wednesday.  Then I cleaned it and got it ready for painting.  As I looked at my room though, and this picture, I had to acknowledge that I have a LOT more stuff than I need.  I have struggled with this for years.  How much is too much?  Or is it more about what I value, and whether or not I judge my value or someone elses by what we have, instead of who we are, and the potential we have.  Would I be willing to give it all away if I was asked to?

I remember a friend in high school from Sweden who wore the same shirt three days in a row, and then he would change.  He seemed to rotate 3 shirts.  I've heard stories about my Dad's pair of pants that he wore for a week before wash day would come, and by then they would practically "stand up by themselves".  When I was growing up, I remember having three pairs of pants to last me a week, and it was enough.  I certainly don't need all of the things I have.  But I do like them!  I enjoy having things!

With piles of things in the rest of the room, I spent a couple of hours painting my empty closet.  I'm pretty sure the picture below is the before picture.  It doesn't look too bad from a distance.  But it really wasn't in too good of shape -- which was obvious once I got the paint brush and roller going and could see the contrast.
By Thursday night I was ready to put some things back in.
I did put some things in the pile to give away, but I obviously still have plenty!  I am thankful.  I love to have choices, and I love to have clothes that I like to wear.  I also like to be willing to give it all away if it would help someone else.  Well, I would keep some clothes.  I think we would all be happiest if I did that!  

Two closets painted in a relatively short time!  Yay for progress!  

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