Tuesday, March 10, 2020

I Think I Can. Seeing The Possibilities

I like watching the shows where they take old run down houses and turn them into something that looks new and beautiful.  I love it when they save things from the house (like old beams or cabinets) and create something that is useful and lovely.  Between watching shows like that, and looking at the things people have made and posted to Pinterest, I have started to think I can.  I can see how to make things better, and I can do it!  I can fix up old things.  I can extend the life of something, making it almost like new again.  At least -- I can with some help from Derek.

Thus my table project was born.  It is ready to be painted.  I am just waiting for warmer weather.  It's been lovely lately, but it dips down into cold at night.  I finished painting my crate yesterday, which somehow I thought was ok to paint in the current weather.  I didn't say I was logical! I have also turned two old jars with ugly lids into two jars with silver lids -- by painting them :-).

I don't think I would have thought of painting lids before.  I didn't see that done on t.v. I don't think -- but I saw enough creativity with other things that I could see possibilities I hadn't before.  I love the potential in possibilities!

The lids are different, but they are the same color!

My crate that will soon be a rolling crate that holds potatoes and onions in my pantry.

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