Friday, March 6, 2020

The Case of the Lost Keys

Once upon a time, on a Friday, I decided that I would go out to the van and clean up the stuff scattered around inside of it, and then I would eat lunch, and then go to Costco -- which I had been avoiding for days.

So, I went to clean the van out, came in and ate lunch, got ready to go to Costco, and ..... no keys.  Now, it's not so overly unusual for me to misplace my keys, but I can almost always count on them being either in my purse, or one of my pockets when they aren't hanging up where they go.  They were in neither place.  I remembered that they were on the back seat of the van and I had thought, "I need to remember to take those inside", and I assumed I had.  The good news?  I had really only been in the van, walked through the garage, and had not gone farther than the family room inside.

I looked.  Derek looked. Dan looked.  I took Derek's keys and went to Costco.  I prayed on the way home that I would find those keys. Then I looked, and Kayli looked, and I looked some more.  I get a little obsessive when I lose things.  The funny thing is where we start looking after a while of them not showing up.    The fridge.  The pantry.  The kitchen drawers. The couches I didn't sit on.  My room where I didn't think I had been since I lost them.  We looked in the garbage, the lawn, the flower garden, the planters.  Sigh.  Finally, after dinner and after going through the garbage one more time, I got in the van to drive it into the garage.  I thought, "the keys are probably in here somewhere".  (We had all looked in there several times).

Where did I find them?  Under the cushion of the seat in the van where I had last seen them.  I didn't even know things could get under the cushion!  So, with a little determination that prayer was answered.  The case of the lost keys is solved.  I am thankful.

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