Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Christ as The Center of Home

 Today I finished reading the book Creating A Christ-Centered Home by Emily Belle Freeman and I thought I would share with you her summary of the chapters -- which is kind of like a poem.

If you seek a house where He abides,
prepare to invite Him in.

If you seek a house of faith,
expect miracles.

If you seek a house of prayer,
converse with Him.

If you seek a house of scripture,
embrace the stories of Jesus.

If you seek a house of worship,
honor the day that is His.

If you seek a house of unity,
do nice and be sweet.

If you seek a house of grace,
remember His mercies.

If you seek a house of change,
let Him perform His great work.

If you seek a house of love,
provide a refuge for weary travelers.

If you seek a house of holiness,
walk with Him.

If you seek a house of gratitude,
let actions convey what words cannot express.

If you seek a house built upon a rock,
Make Christ the center of your home.

One last if.  If you don't get what one of the above means, then you can read her book.  She is good at explaining.  It does us all good to contemplate Christ, and how we can bring Him and His love and grace into our homes to stay!

**Photo by Ella de Kross on Unsplash  (I don't know anyone who lives in a home like the one pictured, but I loved it and I know that Christ can be the center of any home, no matter how small or great, if He is welcomed in!)

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