Monday, January 25, 2021

Good Neighbors

One of God's commandments is to love our neighbor, and clearly, as we study Christ's life and example, this includes all people.  Christ was the perfect "neighbor" who served all.  He served Judas, who betrayed Him.  He served Peter who denied Him three times.  He forgave those nailing Him to a cross, and had mercy on the thief who hung beside Him.  He ate with those who were looked down upon, and healed those who were shunned.  He gave the great gifts of sight, hearing, health, and life.  Christ gave the story of the good Samaritan, a man who helped his "enemy" and didn't choose to walk by on the other side with fear or judgment.

Good neighbors have made a huge difference in my life for good.  Neighbors that lived beside me, behind me, or nowhere near to me.  People who brought treats or dinners, people who gave compassion and sympathy.  People who smiled, or waved.  People who carried heavy things when I couldn't, or did other things I couldn't do for myself.  Among my greatest "neighbors" are my own family members who have given me love when I didn't feel like I deserved it, and taken care of things I couldn't manage to do alone.  Today is a good day to reflect on all of the good neighbors and to reflect on how I can be a better one!

*Photo by Derick McKinney on Unsplash

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