Wednesday, March 6, 2019

My 11 Year Old Self

I pulled out my 11 - 12 year old journal this morning and had a few really good laughs!  Obviously, all journals are not full of wisdom.  At least I have proof that I have grown up some!  I like to look back with love and compassion on my younger self.  I was trying hard to figure out this world we live in, and I think I was doing the best I could.  Here are some quotes from July 1979 with the spelling fixed, and a little added punctuation so it is easier to read.
"Yesterday was a day of a great many excitements but there was one particular time when the girl Tina was babysitting got mad walked out and slammed the door.  Since there was nothing Tina or I could do we went through some cards and wrote down some commitments to choose from and do.  I chose from the commitments I got.  I chose eight of them in which I hope to complete them all within about 12 months."
"Today I woke up at 10:30 giving me the total of 11 and 1/2 hours of sleep last night (a little overdone).  Starting today, Bed by 10:00, up by 6:30"
And here's one that made me laugh out loud.
"Yesterday I found out a guy ... liked me.  Imagine that Me!  He got his sister to ask me if I liked him.  I, like a dumbo said, sort of when he is my 2nd or 3rd choice.  What a nice day.  All the talks were good and interesting."  
 I'm so glad I am not 11 or 12 anymore but it is fun to read the words my younger self thought were worth recording!

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