Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thanks on Thursday


Isn't he cute riding the bike we got him for Christmas!
It was really fun watching him get on.

Brigham bouncing on his ball.

Today (and every day) I feel really thankful that we have hot water.  Today I was also thankful for our big tub to soak in which helped me feel SO much better.  I am not usually a huge tub person, but they certainly have their perks!

Dan and I went to the library after that.  I love libraries!  Lots of books to try without having to buy them!  Magazines too!  Naturally I got quite a stack even though I am working on several here at home.  I am making progress and books are fun to look through and read.

After lunch I got to go to Tia's house.  Tia is a good listener.  We figured out her sewing machine a bit, chatted, and then played with Brigham.  When he woke up he gave me a big hug.  I love hugs and Brigham hugs are extra great. He's getting big and he liked showing me the things he could do.

Brigham is still working on steering.  This shows his Mom's arm reaching out to help him re-aim for the doorway.

Here he is looking at the ball he was bouncing on.
I'm not sure what he was trying to do.
Today ended up being a much better day than I expected when I woke up.  Derek worked from home and I got to spend time with him this evening which was nice too.

Finally, I was reading today about Jesus' perfect love for me, and I was pondering a question from the book I was reading.  The question was, "How might focusing on Jesus' love for you help you love others more?" (From The Chosen 40 Days With Jesus Book 3).  I didn't have a long attention span today but I do think that when I am feeling loved, it is easier to share love with others.  When I do not feel loved I am a lot more inclined to focus inward and feel sorry for myself and sad.  Jesus' love is perfect, and focusing on His love can help me love more perfectly too.

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