Monday, May 20, 2019

Cartoon Concert

Maudie, Me, and Amber
It looks similar to the last concert picture!
Friday was our first of two orchestra concerts where we play classical music that has been used in cartoons.  My son-in-law Mike said that it was the best concert yet.  I think, for sure, it was the most fun.  I don't know that I've ever participated in a concert where so much music fell off of the flute player's stands (at least half of it was mine).  Only once did it stop me from playing since usually it was a page that I had already turned being blown off by me blowing into my flute!

I am thankful for my family.  They came and supported me.  I'm not sure what to think about the fact that most of the time, when I looked up, one of my kids had their phone camera pointed at me, or they were looking at it and chuckling.  They are always very encouraging and supportive though, and that helps me a lot.
Kayli, Connor, and Derek.  So silly.  Jake and Dan were there too -- and Tia and Mike.

This is what my family could see from their seats.
Kayli has more pictures, but I haven't managed to acquire them yet.
These two were from Connor.

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