Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Good I Can Do

Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash
I was talking to Derek about goals and improvement one day.  I really took to heart all of those family home evenings on goals!  That has been a good thing a lot of times, but sometimes I start picking myself apart, trying decide what I don't do well, and all the ways I'm flawed, that maybe a goal could fix.  Shockingly, this is depressing!  Derek suggested that instead of asking myself what I need to improve, I could ask myself "What is something good I can do?"

I have learned this a few times.  I think I even wrote a blog talking about focusing on the good in everyone, including ourselves, and improving on what we do right, and the bad stuff will get pushed out.  Maybe I should make a list of the lessons that I have learned over and over, and read it often until the lessons really sink in.  It's worth a try!

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