Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Leave Room For Faith. Watch For Miracles

I believe in miracles, but I also believe that I often keep them from happening by my lack of faith.  One of my biggest challenges has been that when I have felt broken, I would think, and think, and try to figure out what was wrong, and try to fix everything I might be doing that could be causing a problem.  I would try to grit my teeth, and work my way to a happier, unbroken state.  After focusing on any and all of my faults that I could find, I would pray for help -- but it was more of a plea from a drowning person who didn't have much expectation of being rescued.

I have learned that faith does not require me to dig up and think of every little flaw I have, or to focus on all of the ways I fail.  I am human and so I have lots of flaws and fail often. Concentrating on these things is exhausting and discouraging.  Faith requires me to do my best to follow the commandments and to be as good of a person as I can.  Heavenly Father will let me know if something needs to be fixed, and He will not be mean about it.  He will direct me to Jesus, and I can trust that Jesus' Atonement will provide the way for whatever is broken to be mended!

In everything I do, and in all of the ways I want to help, it is always best when, instead of gritting my teeth, looking for solutions with desperation, and carrying all of the weight myself, I leave room for faith.  When I do this, then I can watch for miracles, and they will happen.

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